Another week brings another WINOL bulletin and I'm happy to report that this week was the strongest one we have produced so far. This was especially good for myself as this is the last bulletin that I will be running as Sports Editor, the third years we now hand over the editorial roles to the second years to take on in the second semester.
Once again I have to say I was extremely pleased with what my sports team and I produced in terms of the bulletin and the website. Editorially the bulletin was strong this week as the news packages were the strongest they've been so far.
This week we were well prepared for sports and by Tuesday afternoon our content was ready for the bulletin, which was a fantastic position to put ourselves in as it left us with a relatively stress free Wednesday. We used the Wednesday to tweak and perfect things which came through in the bulletin and in the impressive comments from our lecturers during the debrief. I spent the week again writing content for the website as I had allocated the packages to my reporters once again. I think used my time to help my reporters with their stories, suggesting changes and helping whenever needed. We got some fantastic shots in the Winchester FC match of two of the players doing a rehearsed dance for a celebration. This proved vital for Tom Otrebski and I as we used it as a platform for our links and it enabled us to have some fun and produce some well scripted work.
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